Wednesday 26 March 2014

My Favourite Female Characters on OTH

 I named this entry as female characters because i can't put peyton above lucas or lucas above peyton. so that is why i made a separate list. The list goes from least favorite to favorite.

17. Nanny Carrie

She seems so perfect at being a nanny. But then, she tried to seduce Nathan by kissing him and swim naked in their pool and almost made Haley and Nathan get their own lawyer. She kidnapped Jamie and dyed his hair brunette. She is also kidnapped Dan in order to get Jamie. Thanks to Dan, she is dead!

16. Lindsey Strauss

She's beautiful and successful editor. It's just that i hate seeing her with her precious ring (sounds familiar right?). Also, she is almost married Lucas. She made Lucas blind.

15. Anna Taggaro

First, she kissed Lucas. Then, she kissed Peyton. It doesn't matter if you are bi, homo or straight. But, she doesn't defend Peyton for what she did and she let Felix paint 'dyke' on Peyton's locker.

14. Victoria Davis

                                                     She is such a bitch mom.
                                         I can't imagine if i have a mom like her.

13. Elizabeth Harp

What kind of mom abandoned her child? But, at least she's trying to make it right with Peyton.

12. Gigi

                                      She is such a sweet innocent girl during high
                                       school. How did she become such a whore?

11. Shelly The "Clean Teen"

She took Mouth's virginity and then she left him!

10. Erica Marsh

She is the ex president of Student Council and having fun with Mouth and then left him for another guy.

9. Deb Scott

Although she had an addiction but she survived! She's a good nanny and grammy for Jamie and had an affair with Skills...Weird huh?

8. Karen Roe

If there were an award for the best mom, she deserved it. She loves Lucas and Keith. She is strong woman!

7. Millie Huxtable

She is actually beautiful and kind.
Mouth deserves someone like her.

6. Mia Catalano

She had a great voice and nice boobs (lols). I love how she can make fun of Peyton about Lindsey and Peyton was like "i'll kill you!" in her thought.

5. Bevin Mirskey

She is quite crazy but not like Nanny Carrie's crazy.
But she is fun. She add up a little comedy to the show.

4. Rachel Gatina

Don't surprise because Rachel Gatina is survived until the 4th spot. I know she's a bitch before. But the show doesn't feel the same without her. I started to like her when she's remind Brooke about how she likes to have a friend like Peyton in early of Season 4 when Brooke and Peyton has a fall out...

3. Haley James Scott

She is funny and talented and a good wife and a good mother (sorry for the many 'and').

2. Brooke Davis

She is the cliche character. I mean she is popular and cheerleader captain. We can see many of this character on many other show. She is also a dramatic person esp when Peyton told her that she has feelings for Lucas. But i love to have a friends like Brooke who is always stand up to her friends and always put her friends before her needs. In the end they forgive each other.

1. Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer

She is unlike any other character. I like her because she is strong. She had to deal with so many problems and pains in her life. she had so many obstacle just to be with Lucas. I feel close to her character. Besides, she had a great taste in music.Love you P.Sawyer.

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