Wednesday 26 March 2014

My Favourite Female Characters on OTH

 I named this entry as female characters because i can't put peyton above lucas or lucas above peyton. so that is why i made a separate list. The list goes from least favorite to favorite.

17. Nanny Carrie

She seems so perfect at being a nanny. But then, she tried to seduce Nathan by kissing him and swim naked in their pool and almost made Haley and Nathan get their own lawyer. She kidnapped Jamie and dyed his hair brunette. She is also kidnapped Dan in order to get Jamie. Thanks to Dan, she is dead!

16. Lindsey Strauss

She's beautiful and successful editor. It's just that i hate seeing her with her precious ring (sounds familiar right?). Also, she is almost married Lucas. She made Lucas blind.

15. Anna Taggaro

First, she kissed Lucas. Then, she kissed Peyton. It doesn't matter if you are bi, homo or straight. But, she doesn't defend Peyton for what she did and she let Felix paint 'dyke' on Peyton's locker.

14. Victoria Davis

                                                     She is such a bitch mom.
                                         I can't imagine if i have a mom like her.

13. Elizabeth Harp

What kind of mom abandoned her child? But, at least she's trying to make it right with Peyton.

12. Gigi

                                      She is such a sweet innocent girl during high
                                       school. How did she become such a whore?

11. Shelly The "Clean Teen"

She took Mouth's virginity and then she left him!

10. Erica Marsh

She is the ex president of Student Council and having fun with Mouth and then left him for another guy.

9. Deb Scott

Although she had an addiction but she survived! She's a good nanny and grammy for Jamie and had an affair with Skills...Weird huh?

8. Karen Roe

If there were an award for the best mom, she deserved it. She loves Lucas and Keith. She is strong woman!

7. Millie Huxtable

She is actually beautiful and kind.
Mouth deserves someone like her.

6. Mia Catalano

She had a great voice and nice boobs (lols). I love how she can make fun of Peyton about Lindsey and Peyton was like "i'll kill you!" in her thought.

5. Bevin Mirskey

She is quite crazy but not like Nanny Carrie's crazy.
But she is fun. She add up a little comedy to the show.

4. Rachel Gatina

Don't surprise because Rachel Gatina is survived until the 4th spot. I know she's a bitch before. But the show doesn't feel the same without her. I started to like her when she's remind Brooke about how she likes to have a friend like Peyton in early of Season 4 when Brooke and Peyton has a fall out...

3. Haley James Scott

She is funny and talented and a good wife and a good mother (sorry for the many 'and').

2. Brooke Davis

She is the cliche character. I mean she is popular and cheerleader captain. We can see many of this character on many other show. She is also a dramatic person esp when Peyton told her that she has feelings for Lucas. But i love to have a friends like Brooke who is always stand up to her friends and always put her friends before her needs. In the end they forgive each other.

1. Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer

She is unlike any other character. I like her because she is strong. She had to deal with so many problems and pains in her life. she had so many obstacle just to be with Lucas. I feel close to her character. Besides, she had a great taste in music.Love you P.Sawyer.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Random Facts About Me

  1. Very shy
  2. Loner
  3. I have black wavy hair
  4. Dark brown eyed
  5. Never have boyfriend
  6. Used to wear braces
  7. O-typed blood

  8. Sucks at singing
  9. Good at writing and love it!
  10. Universal listener - I can listen to every genre of songs from country to hip hop but i prefer rockier sounds.
  11. Wearing glasses
  12. Directioner
  13. One Tree Hill is my fav tv show

  14. Sucks at drawing
  15. My favorite female singer is Taylor Swift, Hayley Williams, Amy Lee and Avril Lavigne
  16. My favorite male singer is Adam Levine, Enrique Iglesias and Niall Horan
  17. I have 5 siblings and I am the last one
  18. I love romance movies very much esp Titanic and The Notebook. 
  19. I also a huge fan of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games
  20. My favorite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio 
  21. And my favorite actress is Jennifer Lawrence
  22. Westlife, Backstreet Boys and 1D is my favorite boy band
  23. I have Diploma in Public Administration
  24. My first job is sales assistant at Hail Creation and Collection
  25. My favorite athlete is Cristiano Ronaldo and he is my imaginary bf
  26. I am a huge fan of football
  27. I love Manchester United

Friday 14 March 2014

One Tree Hill-Cast Part 2

Moira Kelly as Karen Roe
She is Lucas' mom. She owns a cafe called Karen's Cafe. She's engaged to Keith Scott and have a daughter with him named Lily. She's very protective of Lucas. After Keith's death, she's move on her life with Andy, her former professor.

Paul Johansson as Dan Scott
He's Lucas' and Nathan's father. He was married to Deb. He's always a dick to every characters of OTH. He's Keith's younger brother. He killed his own brother during the school shooting because he thought Keith was trying to kill him at the dealership. He runs for mayor. Soon after Tree Hill residents know about his doing, he had to resign from being a mayor. Everyone hates him because of what his done towards Keith especially Lucas and Nathan. He had HCM and after he was release from jail, his heart getting worst. He tried to apologize to everyone his hurting but his action was unforgiveable. He tried his best to change to be a good person. He thought that if he gets heart trasplant, he will get a second chance from nature. He also tried to kill himself in the prison but his failed. That's why he thought that he will get a second chance.

Barbara Alyn Woods as Deb
She is Nathan's mom. She have a brother named Cooper Lee. She used to be an addicts and alcoholics due to stress of being married to Dan. She the recovered and being a good mom and a good nanny. She's also had an affair with Antwon Taylor, Nathan's friend.

Craig Sheffer as Keith Scott
He is brother to Dan and Lucas' uncle. He had a crush on Karen for a long time. He is such a good man for Karen and Lucas. He owns a garage and he fixed cars for living. He was shot dead by Dan.

Danneel Harris as Rachel Gatina
She's a transfer student at THHS. But because she is pretty and sexy, she is easily accepted at THHS. She is such bitch. She's trying to mess with Brooke by flirting with Lucas and try to take over cheer leading squad. But, then she is suddenly became Brooke's good friend after Brooke fight with Peyton. She's also try to mess with Haley by kissing Nathan. She is expelled from THHS when she's trying to cover up for Brooke. But then, Brooke confronts with the principle and she's graduated from THHS. She is then disappeared somewhere with Mouth and left him at Honeygrove.

Antwon Tanner as Antwon  'Skills' Taylor
He is one of Lucas' friend. He is good at playing basketball. Lucas suggested him to Whitey after Lucas confessed about his HCM. He dates Bevin during high school. Then, he had an affair with Nathan's mom, Deb. They broke up because Deb said he is deserved to have a family which Deb couldn't gave him. He is actually quite funny.

Jackson Brundage as James Lucas Scott
He is Nathan's and Haley's son. He was named after Haley's surname, James and his middle name taken from Haley's bestfriend, Lucas who is also his uncle and god father. Brooke is his god mother. He is considered as a gifted. He was once kidnapped by his first nanny, Nanny Carrie during Lucas first wedding. He then, was babysit by his own grandmother.

Barry Corbin as Coach Whitey Durham
He is the coach of the Ravens. He had a good reputation with Ravens. He has a good relationship with Keith, Nathan and Lucas. He is full of sarcasm.Lol

P/s: Tbh, the absent of Rachel gave a huge impact on me. Even though she is a bitch but she's actually nice. I kinda like her.