Wednesday 27 March 2013

Taylor Swift's Past Boyfriend...

This is based on what I know and what I've heard or read...So, here's the list, the famous one...ENJOY!!!

This is Joe Jonas.They were started dating in July 2008 and broke up through the phone in October the same year.

She started to date with Taylor Lautner in August 2009 and broke up in November 2009.

Swift started to date John Mayer who is much older than her in November 2010 and they were ended their relationship in February the following year.

Jake Gyllenhaal who she's dated back in October 2010 and it's ended two months later.
Connor Kennedy that she's dated in July 2012  until  October 2012.
The latest one is Harry Styles from 1 Direction. It's only lasts for about a few months if I'm not mistaken.I don't really remember when they started to date but it's ended in February 2013.
Well, in conclusion, her relationships never last longer than 3 months. i remember that she once said that love is something RARE for her.But here you can see that love is like a game for her. it's not that i hate her, but i don't like how she acted especially when she broke up with harry.she's very childish on how she deal with the probs. For me, she's not really want a relationship but she just want a materials for her new song because that's how she made money. she's kinda obsessed to make a new song and a new album. i miss the old her and i hope she will back with her innocent country girl image. i miss her old song......i wish that she will make a song like the old day again.but i still love her RED songs,it's just that i can't feel her sincerity in her song.Keep it up Tay...Love U!!!



kikiki....gedikkan nak cakap2 bahasa korea ni???ni blog ketiga aku bg menggantikan blog aku yg sebelum x payah nak intro2 dulu la kan...ari ni aku nak citer sket pasal group KPOP pebret aku ni...BIGBANG!!!Bagi aku la...bigbang ni group yg fair.e'rybody ada part diorang masing2 dalam setiap lagu...GD ni memang pandai bagi bhgn2 tertentu mengikut kemampuan diorang sndiri...nnti aku citer kat,lemme briefly introduce the members of bigbang...

Kwon Ji Yong or his stage name G Dragon is the leader of the BB. He is also BB's producer...Their songs are mostly written n composed by him...mengikut Daesung,GD lah yg akan tentukan part member2 lain dalam lagu diorang. GD punya part dalam BB is the main rapper. GD gak ada sejarah hitam tentang skandal marijuana...emmm...

TOP atau nama sebenarnya Choi Seung Hyun merupakan BB rapper along with GD.Dia gak  take part dalam lakonan spt IRIS. Dia gak dikenali sbg Charismatic TOP and Bingu TOP(as told by Daesung), TOP ni x pndai sgt menari (boleh tgk dalam FO)...BB member pon mengaku yg dia x pndai sgt menari...

Dong Young Bae or Taeyang is one of BB's vocals...Tarian dia memang 1st class lah...JYP pon approve dia punya tarian...

Kang Daesung is the main vocals of BB. Bg aku kalo taeyang nyer tarian 1st class,daesung lak vocal dia 1st class...aku suka suara dia...dia banyak involve dlm tv hosting and variety show such as Family Outing(FO). Daesung jugak dikenali sbg killer smile sbb...tgk gambo kat atas tu...FO casts semua kata dia idol yg x dak rupa idol...haha....w/pon dia x hensem but he is my fevret BB member...x hensem tp cute...hehe...dia pernah di diagnosed dgn vocal chord nodules(google la sndiri) and pd tahun 2011 dia terlibat dlm kemalangan yg menyebabkan penunggang motosikal mati(bukan salah dia pon actually...sapa soh org tu p baring atas jalan dlm keadaan mabuk,malam lak tu...) 
Lee Seung Hyun a.k.a Seungri (VICTORY) is one of BB vocals.di awal kemunculan seungri ni,dia lack of vocals skill but dia ada dance skills...haha...berbelit ayat aku...

Aku suka BIGBANG sebab diorang ni x banyak sgt menari-nari ni...kalo ada pon sket2 je...x mcm group2 yg len...VIVA BIGBANG...